The Case M.M.
For thirty years now, the case of M.M. has left Jack Clemmons without any rest! On the night of the 5th of August 1962 his telephone rang at the police headquarters in Los Angeles; Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her Brentwood home. As a senior police officer, he was the first to be at the scene of the crime and immediately realized something was wrong! The clues were puzzling, raising questions that seemed to be unsolvable. Contrary to the official version that Marilyn had killed herself with an overdose, he was convinced it was murder – a conviction which cost him his job.
Now, thirty years later, he takes us back to the night of the death and into the core of his investigation. In searching for clues through drama and dance, director Jana Pulkrabek and choreographer Yaroslav Ivanenko have once more rolled open the circumstances surrounding Marilyn’s mysterious death. Could a woman be suicidal who worked so hard at eradicating her inimical blonde image and solidly pursued her future plans? Or is her death one of the greatest unsolved murder cases in the criminal history of America? Was Marilyn through her private relationships to Robert and John F. Kennedy a target of a plot, of an unparalleled cover-up?

A Ballet- Thriller for the Ballet Company Kiel and Playhouse Kiel
Premiere: 28.04.2012 at Playhouse Kiel
Written & Directed by: Jana Pulkrabek
Choreography: Yaroslav Ivanenko
Costume Design: Elisabeth Richter
Stage Design: Jana Pulkrabek & Yaroslav Ivanenko
Photographic Projection: Rebecca Hoppé
With dancers of The Ballet Kiel und actors of the Playhouse Kiel
Marilyn Monroe: Sonia Dvorak
Inspector Clemmons: Rudi Hindenburg
Dr. Noguchi, Pathologin: Agnes Richter
Mr. Curphy: Chief to the Investigation
Patricia Lawford, Sister of the President: Agnes Richter
Peter Lawford,Brother in Law of the President: Nikolaos Doede
Joe DiMaggio, Baseball-Star, Marilyn’s second Husband: Alexaneder Abdukarimov
Mrs. Murray, Marilyns Haushälterin: Pina Bergemann
Dr. Greenson, Marilyn’s Therapist: Siegfried Jacobs
Dr. Engelberg, Marilyn’s Physician: Preslav Mantchev
John F. Kennedy, Präsident of the U.S.A.: Eldar Sarsembayev
Robert Kennedy, Minister of Justice: Didar Sarsembayev
Ann Jacobs, PR-Expert to Fox-Filmstudios: Margot de Andrade
Mr. Z, Darryl F. Zannuck, Head of Fox-Filmstudios: Edward James Gottschall
Jane Russel, Filmstar and Friend to Marilyn: Pina Bergemann
Arthur Miller, Author, Marilyn’s third Husband: Emil Bruland
Lionel Granison, Employee at the Morgue: Siegfried Jacobs
Marilyn’s Press Officer: Stefanie Fischer
Grace Goddard, Ida Bolender, Nursing Mothers of Marilyn: Ji Won Kim, Sabina Faskhi
Marilyns Mother: Agnes Richter
Marilyn as Child: Rosa Dotzer
Marilyn II: Victoria Lane Green
Marilyn’s MakeUp Artists: Julian Botnarenko, Sabina Faskhi, Momoko Tanaka
Photos: Olaf Struck