Amour Fou
The Devil in the Flesh, the flapping wings of the soul and the labours of love in certain corners…, Under the Roofs of Paris she is at home the multi-faceted world of love and passion. A scandalous French novel combined with the heartfelt expressions of Simone de Beauvoir – interwoven through drama and French song.
Under the Roofs of Paris she is at home, the multi-faceted world of love and passion. About the love-pact of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre’s merciless, but “open” relationship; a rollercoaster of emotions which only stops at the end of a lifetime. This is the debut work of a seventeen year old student describing his passion for Amour Fou in the company of a soldier’s bride during the time of the First World War. It was a scandalous novel of its time which progressed to one of the most successful books of the 20th Century.
A melodious evening staged in play reading and singing lyrics by Jacques Brel, Serge Gainsbourg, Carla Bruni, and others.

Written & Directed by: Jana Pulkrabek
Performers & Chansons:
Tim Hüning
,Jana Pulkrabek
, Isabel Trinkaus,
Siegmar Tonk
Lilian Lyons – Violine
, Siegmar Tonk -Piano
Photos: Rebecca Hoppé
Funded by:
Ministry of Culture Hamburg